Marketing concepts
(a) Marketing – the strategies and actions firms take to establish a relationship with a consumer and encourage purchases of its products or services營銷-戰略和行動企業採取建立與消費者的一個關係和鼓勵它的產品或服務購買
(b) Internet marketing is using the web – as well as traditional channels – to develop a positive, long term relationship with customers, thereby creating a higher price for products or services than its competitor can charge互聯網營銷比它的競爭者能充電使用網-以及傳統渠道-發展與顧客的一個正面,長的期限關係,從而創造一個更高的價為產品或服務
(c) Firms within an industry compete with one another on four dimensions企業在產業之內在四個維度
- Differentiation分化互相競爭
- Cost
- Focus
- Scope範圍
(d) Commodity is a good or service for which there are many dealers supplying the same product and all products in the segment are essentially identical商品是好或有供應同一個產品和所有產品在段的許多經銷商的服務根本上是相同的
Features sets
- Features sets is the bundle of capabilities and services offered by the product or service特點集合是產品或服務和服務提供的捆綁能力
- Core product is the core benefit the customer receives from the products核心產品是顧客從產品接受的核心好處
- Actual product is the set characteristics designed to deliver the product’s core benefits實際產品是被設計的集合特徵提供產品的核心好處
- Augmented product is a product with additional benefits to customers beyond the core benefits embodied in the actual product被增添的產品是一個產品與另外的好處對顧客在實際產品實現的核心好處之外
Products, brands, and branding process
- Brand is a set of expectations that consumers have when consuming, or thinking about consuming, a product or service from a specific company品牌是消費者有,當消耗或者考慮消耗,一個產品或者服務從一家具體公司時的一套期望
- Branding is the process of brand creation烙記是品牌創作的過程
- Brand strategy is a set of plans differentiating a product from its competitors, and communicating these differences effectively to the marketplace品牌戰略是區分一個產品從它的競爭者和有效地傳達這些區別的一套計劃對市場
- Brand equity is the estimated value of the premium customers are willing to pay for using a branded product when compares to unbranded competitors當與unbranded競爭者時,比較-商標權是優質顧客的估計的價值是願意支付為使用一個被烙記的產品
- Brands are alive and well on the web品牌活和很好在網
- Consumers are still wiling to pay price premiums for products and services they perceive are differentiated他們察覺的消費者仍然wiling支付價格保險費產品,并且服務被區分
- Customers acquisition costs refer to the overall costs of converting a prospect into a consumer, and include all marketing and advertising costs顧客買進成本提到轉換遠景的總成本成消費者,并且包括所有行銷和廣告費用
- Consumer retention costs are those incurred in convincing an existing customer to purchase again消費者保留費用是在說服一名現有的顧客招致的那些再購買
Impact of unique features of e-commerce technology on marketing電子商務技術獨特的特點的衝擊對營銷
(1) Ubiquity
– Marketing communications have been extend to the extended to the home, work, and mobile platform; geographic limits on marketing have been reduced; marketplace has been replaced by “market space” and it is removed from a temporal and geographic location; customer convenience has been enhanced, and shopping costs have been reduced市場交流是延伸到延長對家、工作和流動平臺; 在行銷減少了地理極限; 市場被「市場空間」替換了,并且它從一個世俗和地理位置被去除; 顧客便利被提高了,并且購物費用是減少的
(2) Global reach
– Worldwide customer service and marketing communications have been enabled, potentially hundreds of millions of consumers can be reached with marketing messages全世界顧客服務和市場交流使能,潛在地成千上萬的個消費者可以到達與營銷消息
(3) Universal standards
– The cost of delivering marketing messages and receiving feedback from user us reduced because of shared, global standards of the internet由於互聯網的共有的用戶,全球性標準, -提供營銷消息和接受反饋的費用從我們減少
(4) Richness
– Video, audio, and text marketing messages can be integrated into a single marketing message and consuming experience錄影、音頻和文本營銷消息可以是聯合入唯一營銷消息和消耗的經驗
(5) Interactivity
– Consumers can be engaged in a dialog, dynamically adjusting the experience to the consumer, and making the consumer a co-producer of the goods and services being sold消費者可以參與對話,動態地調整經驗對消費者和做消費者被賣的共同製造者物品和服務
(6) Information density
– Fine-grained, highly detailed information on consumers’ real-time behavior can be gathered and analyzed for the first time可以第一次收集和分析細顆粒,高度詳細信息關於消費者實時行為
- Data mining technology permits the analyzed of terabytes of consumer data everyday for marketing purposes數據採集技術允許被分析消費者數據太字節每天為營銷目的
(7) Personalization / customization
- This feature potentially enables product and service differentiation down to the level of the individual, thus strengthening the ability of marketers to create brands這個特點潛在地使能產品和服務分化下來對個體的水平,因而加強去市場的人的能力創造品牌
Internet marketing technologies
(a) Web transactions logs網事務處理日誌
- Records user activity at a web site紀錄用戶活動在網站
- Registration forms gather personal data on name, address, phone, zip code, e-mail address, and other optional self-confessed information on interests and tastes登記表會集關於名字、地址、電話、郵政編碼、電子郵件和其他任意自認信息的個人數據關於興趣和口味
- Shopping cart database captures all the item selection, purchase, and payment data購物車數據庫奪取所有項目選擇、購買和付款數據
(b) Cookies
- Cookie is a small text files that web site place on visitor’s client computer every time they visit, and during the visit, as specific pages are visited曲奇餅是網站地方在訪客的客戶計算機他們每次參觀的小文本文件,和在參觀期間,因為具體頁被參觀
- Cookies provide web marketers with a very quick means of identifying the customer曲奇餅提供網去市場的人以非常辨認顧客快的手段
(c) Web bugs網臭蟲
- Web bugs are tiny (1 pixel) graphic files hidden in e-mail messages and on web sites網臭蟲是在網站掩藏的在電子郵件和微小的(1個映像點)圖形文件
- Web bugs are used to automatically transmit information about the user and the page being viewed to a monitoring server網臭蟲用於自動地傳達關於用戶和被觀看的頁的信息給監視服務器
(d) Databases, data warehouse, data mining, and profit數據庫、數據倉庫、數據採集和贏利
- Database is a software application that store records and attributes數據庫是存放紀錄和屬性的軟件應用
- Relational databases represent data as two-dimensional tables with records organized in rows and attributed in columns; data within different table can be flexibly related so long as tables share a common data element關係數據庫代表數據作為二維表在專欄組織在列和歸因於的紀錄; 只要桌分享一個共同的數據元素,數據在另外桌之內可以靈活地被關係
(e) Advertising networks
- Present user with banner advertisement based on a databases of user behavioral data當前用戶與根據的橫幅廣告用戶關於行為的數據數據庫
- Ad server selects an appropriate banner ad based on the user’s previous purchases, interest, demographics, or other data in the profile廣告服務器在外形選擇根據用戶的早先購買、興趣、人口統計學,或者其他數據的一個適當的橫幅廣告
(f) Customer relationship management (CRM) systems顧客關係管理(CRM)系統
- A repository of customer information that records all of the contacts that a customer has with a firm and generates a customer profile available to everyone in the firm with a need to “know the customer” 的客戶信息貯藏庫記錄所有聯絡顧客有與企業并且引起客戶信息可利用對大家在企業中以需要「知道顧客」
- Customer profiles can contain – map of customer’s relationship with the institution; product and usage summary data; demographic and psychographic data; profitability measures; contact history summarizing the customers contracts with the institution across most delivery channels; marketing and sales information containing programs received by the customer and the customer’s responses客戶信息可能包含-顧客的關係地圖與機關的; 產品和用法總結數據; 人口統計和psychographic數據; 有利措施; 與總結同機關的歷史聯繫顧客合同橫跨多數交付渠道; 包含節目的營銷和有關銷售信息接受由顧客和顧客的反應
Establish the customer relationship
- Permission marketing is a marketing strategy in which companies obtain permission form consumers before sending them information or promotional messages允許營銷是公司在傳送他們信息或增進信息之前得到允許形式消費者的營銷戰略
- Affiliate marketing is where one web site agrees to pay another web site a commission for new business opportunities it refer to the site會員營銷是一個網站同意付它提到站點的另一個網站佣金新的商機的地方
- Viral marketing us the process of getting customers to pass along a company’s marketing message to friends, family and colleagues病毒營銷我們使顧客的過程沿公司的營銷消息通過對朋友、家庭和同事
- Leveraging brands refers to the process of using the power of an existing brand to acquire new customers for a new product or service支持品牌提到使用一個現有的品牌的力量的過程獲取新的顧客為一項新產品或服務
Customer Retention
- One-to-one marketing means segmenting the market based on a precise and timely understanding of an individual’s needs, targeting specific marketing messages to these individuals, and then positioning the product vis-à-vis competitors to be truly unique分割根據市場在對個體的需要的精確和實時性理解的一對一營銷手段,瞄準具體營銷消息對這些個體,然後安置產品關於競爭者是真實地獨特的
- Customization means changing the product, not just the marketing message, according to user preferences改變產品,不僅營銷消息的定製手段,根據用戶首選項
- Customer co-production in the web environment, takes customization one step further by allowing the customer interactivity create the product顧客合作生產在網環境裡,作為定製進一步通過允許顧客互動創造產品
- Tran active content results from the combination of traditional content, such as articles and product descriptions, with dynamic information culled from product from product databases, tailored to each user’s profile Tran活動內容結果從傳統內容的組合,例如從產品和產品說明,以動態信息揀掉的文章從產品數據庫,為專門製作每個用戶概況
Online market research
- Market research involves gathering information that will help a firm identify potential products and customers市場研究介入收集將幫助一家企業辨認潛在的產品和顧客的信息
- Primary research involves gathering first-hand information using techniques such as surveys, personal interviews, and focus groups主要研究介入收集第一手信息使用技術例如勘測、單獨面試和焦點群
- Secondary research relies on existing, published information as the basis for analyzing the market次要研究依靠存在,出版信息作為為分析市場的依據
Online marketing communication
- Methods use by online firms to communicate to the consumer and create strong brand expectations方法用途由網上企業溝通對消費者和創造強的品牌期望
- Promotional sales communications suggest the consumer “buy now” and make offers to encourage immediate purchase增進銷售通信現在建議消費者「購買」并且給予條件鼓勵直接購買
- Branding communications focus on extolling the differentiable benefits of consuming the product or service烙記的通信焦點在讚頌消耗產品或服務的能區分的好處
Online advertising
(a) A paid message on a web site, online service, or other interactive medium一則有償的消息在網站、聯機服務,或者其他交互式媒介
(b) Banner and rich media ads橫幅和富有的媒介ads
- Banner ad displays a promotional message in a rectangular box at the top or bottom of a computer screen橫幅廣告在一個長方形箱子顯示一則增進消息在計算機屏幕的上面或底部
- Button is a permanent banner ad按鈕是一個永久橫幅廣告
- Pop-under ad opens underneath a user’s active browser window and does not appear until the user closer the active window流行在廣告之下在用戶的活躍瀏覽器視窗之下開始,并且沒出現直到用戶更加接近活動窗口
- Interstitial ad is a way of placing a full page message between the current and destination pages of a user細胞間的廣告是安置一則全頁的消息方式在用戶的潮流和目的地頁之間
- Superstitial is a rich media ad that is preloaded into a browser’s cache and does not play until loaded and the user clicks to another page Superstitial是被預先輸入入瀏覽器的貯藏所,并且不使用直到裝載的一個富有的媒介廣告和用戶點擊對另一頁
- Banner swapping is an arrangement among firms that allows each firm to have its banners displayed on other affiliate sites for no cost橫幅交換是允許每家商行有在其他會員站點顯示的它的橫幅為沒有費用的一個安排在企業之中
- Banner exchanges arrange for banner swapping among firms橫幅交換安排交換在企業之中的橫幅
- Rich media ads employee flash, DHTML, and java, and streaming audio and/or video富有的媒介ads雇員閃光、DHTML和Java和流出的音頻和錄影
(c) Paid search engine inclusion and placement有償的搜索引擎包括和安置
(d) Sponsorships – A paid effort to tie an advertiser’s name to information, an event, or venue in a way that reinforces its brand in a positive, yet not overtly commercial manner保證人-有償的努力栓登廣告者的名字對信息、一個事件或者地點以在正面加強它的品牌的方法,不公開地商業方式
(e) Affiliate relationship – permit a firm to put it logo or banner ad on another firm’s web site from which users of that site can click through to the affiliate’s site會員關係-允許企業投入它商標或橫幅廣告在那個站點用戶能通過點擊對會員的站點的另一家公司的網站
Other online marketing communications
(a) Direct e-mail marketing
- E-mail marketing message sent directly to interested users
- Spam is unsolicited commercial e-mail發送同樣的消息到多個新聞組是未經請求的商業電子郵件
(b) Online catalogs provide the equivalent of a paper-based catalog線上物品價目表提供paper-based編目的等值
The web site as a marketing communications tools
(a) Domain names are the first communications an e-commerce site has with a prospective customer域名是電子商務站點有與一個潛在客戶的第一通信
(b) Search engine optimization搜索引擎優化
- Register with as many search engines as possible向許多個查尋引擎登記儘可能
- Ensure keywords used in the site description match keywords likely to be used as search terms by a user保證用於站點描述比賽主題詞可能的主題詞使用當查尋期限由用戶
- Link the site to as many other sites as possible與許多個其他站點連接站點儘可能
Site design features that impact online purchase
- Compelling experience – provide interactivity, entertainment, human interest, site is fun to use強制經驗-提供互動,娛樂,人的興趣,站點是使用的樂趣
- Fast download time – quicker is better, if longer, provide amusement快速的下載時間-更快是更好的,如果更長,提供娛樂
- Easy product list navigation – consumers can easy find the products they want容易的產品名單航海-消費者裝容易的發現於罐中他們要
- Few click to purchase – the shorter the click list the greater the chance of a sale的產品購買-越短的少量點擊點擊名單越偉大銷售的機會
- Customer choice agents – recommendation agents/configurations help the consumer make quick, correct choices顧客挑選代理-推薦代理或配置幫助消費者做出快,正確選擇
- Responsiveness – automated e-mail response, toll-free phone capability shown on web site快速響應-自動化的電子郵件反應,在網站顯示的免費電話能力