玫瑰灰缘起Tommy Sands原创,Cara Dillon翻唱的There were Roses,背景是70年代末的北爱,Sands的一个新教徒朋友遭IRA杀害,不久后,作为报复,新教徒谋杀了Sands的另外一个朋友,一个天主教徒。他的两个朋友就如此成为了毫无意义的政治斗争牺牲品。
文中的许多“大事件”都能在歌中找到来源,例如伊森和韦恩对IRA的态度(“…it won’t divide us, we would always be as one.”),伊森的死(“A Catholic would be killed tonight, to even up the score.”),以及与之相类似的韦恩(“…and another eye for another eye, till everyone was blind.”)。
假如你喜欢Laurie Lee,那么一眼就可以看出玫瑰灰首章模仿的正是他那种既拖沓(喂)又allusive(喂!)又平稳无起伏的风格。正所谓“你们不要害怕模仿,每个人(无论他们承认与否)都是从这一步开始的。”……你问伊森的原型莫非就是罗西?不不,他的原型其实是作者的某个小学同学……
虽然他们都已经不在了,但我仍然要向Laurie Lee和David Beers三鞠躬,感谢两位大师扶了我一把,我是你们脚边的一只小鹌鹑TuT
最后附上There were Roses歌词
My song for you this evening
Is not to make you sad
Nor for adding to the sorrows
Of this troubled northern land
But lately I've been thinking
And it just wont leave my mind
I'll tell you about two friends one time
Who were both good friends of mine
Isaac he was Protestant
And Sean was Catholic born
But it never made a difference
For the friendship it was strong
And sometimes in the evening
When they heard the sound of drums
They said they wont divide us
We will always be as one
There were roses, roses
There were roses
And the tears of a people ran together
It was on a Sunday morning
When the awful news came round
Another killing had been done
Just outside Newry Town
We knew that Isaac danced up there
We knew he liked the band
But when we heard that he was dead
But when we heard that he was dead
We just could not understand
Now fear it filled the countryside
There was fear in every home
When late at night a car came
Prowling round the Ryan Road
A Catholic would be killed tonight
To even up the score
Oh Christ, it's young MacDonald
They have taken from the door
There were roses, roses
There were roses
And the tears of a people ran together
Isaac was my friend he cried
He begged them with his tears
But centuries of hatred
Have ears that do not hear
An eye for an eye
That was all that filled their minds
And another eye for another eye
Till everyone was blind
Now I don't know where the moral is
Or where the song should end
But I wonder just how many wars
Are fought between good friends
And those who give the orders
Are not the ones to die
It's Scott and young MacDonald
And the likes of you and I
There were roses, roses
There were roses
And the tears of a people ran together
There were roses, roses, roses
And the tears of a people ran together